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Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive

Section C.1 Centroids of Common Shapes

Table C.1.1. Centroids of Common Shapes
A rectangle with width of b and height of h, centroid at (x-bar,y-bar).
\(A = b h\)
A right triangle with right angle at the origin. Width of b and height of h, centroid at (x-bar,y-bar).
A trapezoid with bottom width of b, top width of a, and height of h, centroid at (x-bar,y-bar).
\(\dfrac{(a+b) h}{2}\)
\(\dfrac{a^2 +ab + b^2}{3 (a+b)}\)
A circle with radius of r, centroid at (x-bar,y-bar)=(r,r).
\(\pi r^2\)
A semicircle with radius of r, centroid at (x-bar,y-bar)=(r,4r/(3*pi)).
\(\dfrac{\pi r^2}{2}\)
\(\dfrac{4 r}{3 \pi}\)
See Example 7.7.14 for proof. \(\dfrac{4 r}{3 \pi} \approx 0.424\ r\)
A quarter circle with radius of r. The center of curvature is at the origin. Centroid at (x-bar,y-bar)=(4r/(3*pi),4r/(3*pi)).
\(\dfrac{\pi r^2}{4}\) \(\dfrac{4 r}{3 \pi}\) \(\dfrac{4 r}{3 \pi}\)